Surface-level tests


This document covers the surface-level tests (formerly known as "sanity tests") that Konflux runs as part of its component build pipeline. These surface-level tests automatically check all application images to ensure that they’re up-to-date, correctly formatted, and protected from security vulnerabilities.

Surface-level tests

The Konflux component build pipeline supports several types of tests, including surface-level tests. The surface-level tests used in Konflux are run in the form of Tekton tasks. The utility used for validating container information is Conftest. The following tables show the currently implemented surface-level tests:

Table 1. Deprecated image checks
Test name Description Failure message


Deprecated images are no longer maintained, leading to unresolved security vulnerabilities.

The container image must not be built from a repository marked as 'Deprecated' in COMET

Table 2. Unsigned RPM check
Test name Description Failure message


Packages signed with Red Hat’s secure signing server adheres to stringent policies and procedures.

All RPMs in the image must be signed. Found following unsigned rpms(nvra):