Getting started with CLI

In addition to the user interface (UI), you can also use the command line interface (CLI) to access and configure Konflux to meet your specific needs.


To access Konflux with the CLI, you must configure oc commands. Follow the instructions in Getting started with the OpenShift CLI.


To log in to Konflux by using the CLI, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Developer Sandbox.

  2. Select the checkbox next to I agree to the Terms and Conditions.

  3. Select Get started with OpenShift Developer Sandbox.

  4. In the webpage banner, select Proxy login command.

  5. Click the copy icon to copy the command and your unique token.

  6. Open your terminal and paste the command that you copied in the previous step. This command runs oc login --token=[your token] [appstudio api url].


To verify that oc login worked correctly, complete the following steps:

  1. Run cd ~/.kube.

  2. Run ls and verify that there is a file named config.

Switching workspaces

To use the CLI tool with a workspace other than your default personal workspace, append /workspaces/<workspace-name> to the AppStudio API url used in your oc login command in step 6.

oc commands for Konflux

The following list contains common oc commands and examples of their outputs, where relevant:

oc get application

Example output:

my-app   15s    True      OK

oc get components

Example output:

NAME                                        AGE   STATUS   REASON   TYPE
devfile-sample-java-springboot-basic-mhqg   50s   True     OK       GitOpsResourcesGenerated

oc get routes

Example output:

NAME    HOST/PORT                     PATH  SERVICES                   PORT    TERMINATION     WILDCARD
my-app  myapp-my-namespace.yourserver  /    single-container-app-7g2w  8080    edge/Redirect   None

oc get environments

Example output:

NAME          AGE
development   2d19h

oc get snapshot

Example output:

NAME           AGE
my-app-ggkxt   153m

oc get pipelinerun

Example output:

NAME                                              SUCCEEDED   REASON      STARTTIME   COMPLETIONTIME
devfile-sample-java-springboot-basic-mhqg-mnwx6   True        Completed   9m30s       6m46s

oc get taskrun

Example output:

NAME                                                              SUCCEEDED   REASON      STARTTIME   COMPLETIONTIME
devfile-sample-java-springboot-basic-mhqg-mnwx6-build-container   True        Succeeded   11m         9m45s
devfile-sample-java-springboot-basic-mhqg-mnwx6-init              True        Succeeded   12m         12m
devfile-sample-java-springboot-basic-mhqg-mnwx6-show-summary      True        Succeeded   9m42s       9m34s
devfile-sample78ef7b0924ed3b025289a33d98b0e1f4-clone-repository   True        Succeeded   12m         11m`

oc get gitopsdeployment

Example output:

NAME                                                                                            SYNC STATUS   HEALTH STATUS
my-app-development-binding-g7m54-my-app-development-devfile-sample-java-springboot-basic-mhqg   Synced        Healthy

oc get deployment

Example output:

NAME                                                                                            SYNC STATUS   HEALTH STATUS
my-app-development-binding-g7m54-my-app-development-devfile-sample-java-springboot-basic-mhqg   Synced        Healthy

oc create

oc create secret

oc get service [name]

Example output:

NAME                                        TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
devfile-sample-java-springboot-basic-mhqg   ClusterIP   <none>        8081/TCP   10d

oc logs [-f] [-p] (POD | TYPE/NAME) [-c CONTAINER]

oc get pods

Example output:

NAME                                                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
devfile-sample-java-springb8214c8b0443987b4d7705b3830fa823e-pod   0/6     Completed   0          13m
devfile-sample-java-springbf2e030e1f22f1d5a7be9e9c899eaaf25-pod   0/1     Completed   0          11m
devfile-sample-java-springboot-basic-mhqg-798c5845bd-sxfxt        1/1     Running     0          5m19s
devfile-sample-java-springboot-basic-mhqg-mnwx6-init-pod          0/1     Completed   0          13m
devfile-sample78ef7b0924ed3611ba7cdef4a1f702c76765753714be6-pod   0/1     Completed   0          13m

oc get pods -l '!'

Example output:

NAME                                                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
devfile-sample-java-springb8214c8b0443987b4d7705b3830fa823e-pod   0/6     Completed   0          13m
devfile-sample-java-springbf2e030e1f22f1d5a7be9e9c899eaaf25-pod   0/1     Completed   0          11m
devfile-sample-java-springboot-basic-mhqg-798c5845bd-sxfxt        1/1     Running     0          5m4s
devfile-sample-java-springboot-basic-mhqg-mnwx6-init-pod          0/1     Completed   0          13m
devfile-sample78ef7b0924ed3611ba7cdef4a1f702c76765753714be6-pod   0/1     Completed   0          13m