Managed services team onboarding

The Managed Environment team creates the following objects on the Managed workspace:

  • ReleasePlanAdmission - The Managed Environment team creates or updates the ReleasePlanAdmission object in response to the ReleasePlan object created by the development team. It indicates that the Managed Environment team has approved the application specified in the ReleasePlan object.

  • - The Managed Environment team runs the script by defining the application name before releasing an application to production. The script copies the application and all of its components from the Development to the Managed workspace. As a result, when releasing an application to production, the Managed Environment team uses the application on its workspace rather than the one on the Developer workspace. Additionally, if the Development team adds a new component to the application on their workspace, they must notify the Managed Environment team. So they can run the script again to ensure that the managed workspace has the most recent version of the application.

Creating a ReleasePlanAdmission object

  • An existing Development and Managed workspace.

  • An existing ReleasePlan object in the Development workspace.

  1. Create a ReleasePlanAdmission.yaml object locally.

    Example ReleasePlanAdmission.yaml object

    kind: ReleasePlanAdmission
     name: sre-production (1)
     namespace: managed-workspace (2)
      - demo-app (3)
     data: <key> (4)
     environment: <sre-production> (5)
     origin: <dev-workspace> (6)
     pipelineRef: <pipeline_ref> (7)
     policy: <policy> (8)
     serviceAccount: <service-account> (9)
    1 The name of the release plan admission.
    2 The Managed environment team’s workspace.
    3 A list of applications that you want to enable to be deployed in the managed workspace.
    4 Optional: An unstructured key used for providing data for the managed Pipeline.
    5 Optional: The environment from which the application updates are allowed to be received in the Managed workspace. This environment is created by the Development team.
    6 The development team workspace where the application is defined.
    7 Reference to the Pipeline to be executed by the release service.
    8 The enterprise contract policy against which the system validates an application before releasing it to production.
    9 Optional: The name of the service account to use in the Pipeline to gain elevated privileges. It’s used only if you have defined the pipelineRef value.
    The ReleasePlanAdmission.yaml represents the reciprocal link to the ReleasePlan.yaml objects created by the development team.
  2. In the Managed workspace, apply the ReleasePlanAdmission.yaml file and add the resource to your cluster by running the following command:

    oc apply -f ReleasePlanAdmission.yaml -n managed
  1. On the Trusted Application Pipeline console, select the Release services > Release plan admission tab.

  2. Review the Release plan admission object that you just added. Using the Release plan admission tab, you can update or delete the selected Release plan object.

The script

  • Run the following command to copy the application from the development workspace to the managed workspace:

    ./ <managed workspace name> -a <development workspace name>/<application name>

    To show the command usage information, run the ./ --help command.