Creating a team workspace

When you first login to Konflux, you are granted a personal workspace dedicated to your username. But, sometimes, you want a workspace to organize work for your team, not just yourself.

Because workspace creation is tied to SSO login identities in Konflux, in order to create a team workspace you need to create and login as an SSO identity that bears the same name as the team

Key steps include:

  • Create an SSO account for the team: A prerequisite, giving Konflux the information it needs to create the team workspace.

  • Login to Konflux and join the waitlist: Triggering the creation of the workspace.

  • Add team members to the shared workspace: Allowing the team to get down to work.

  1. As in Getting started, visit Konflux.

  2. When prompted to login, select the link to register for a new account.

  3. Follow the account creation steps.

For the login name, choose a name that reflects the identity of your team. This will become your team’s workspace name.
For the email address, choose an address that you can access. Use a team mailing list, or a modified form of your personal email like <your_username>+<team_name>@<domain>.com.
  1. Once the account is created, use it to log in to Konflux.

  2. As in Getting started, join the waitlist.

  3. Once approved, visit the User Access section of the user interface to grant the admin role to your normal user identity.

  4. Log out and log back in as your normal user identity, and confirm you have access to the team workspace via the workspace switcher.

Once your normal user identity is granted admin, you should be able to add and manage other team members' access as your normal user identity by using the User Access section of the user interface.