Retriggering Integration Tests

Integration test scenarios for a given snapshot can be re-triggered by adding a label to the snapshot.


  • You have a snapshot that has completed all its initial tests. All initial tests must be finished before you trigger subsequent tests.

  • The snapshot for which tests will be retriggered has completed its initial tests

  • You have CLI access to the specific OpenShift cluster. For information on obtaining CLI access, refer to Getting started in CLI

  • You have an up-to-date kubectl binary. Alternatively, the oc binary is also compatible.


  1. Identify the IntegrationTestScenario that needs to be rerun. For a given snapshot, you can only rerun one IntegrationTestScenario.

  2. Label the snapshot with, assigning the scenario name you wish to rerun as its value.

    $ kubectl label snapshot [snapshot name][scenario name]
  3. The tests are re-triggered automatically. Once they are re-triggered, the system removes the label, allowing you to apply a new label for a different scenario if you wish to test multiple scenarios.

    $ tkn pipelinerun list
    [Example Output]
    NAME                            STARTED         DURATION   STATUS
    integration-pipelinerun-jfrdb   4 seconds ago   ---        Running
  4. To verify the tests, run tkn pipelinerun describe [pipelinerun] and ensure that the labels and reference the correct snapshot and scenario.

    $ tkn pipelinerun describe integration-pipelinerun-jfrdb
    [Expected labels in the output]
    Name:              integration-pipelinerun-jfrdb
    Namespace:         default
    Service Account:   appstudio-pipeline