

Required prerequisites

The prerequisites are:

  • You must have the following tools install:
    • kubectl - that matches your cluster version.
    • oc - that matches your cluster version.
    • jq >= 1.6
    • yq >= v4.23.1
    • openssl >= v3.0.2
  • The script ./hack/setup/ will install these prerequisites for you, if they’re not already installed.
  • You must have kubectl and oc pointing to an existing OpenShift cluster, that you wish to deploy to.

Note - Mac OS

If you’re using Mac OS, make sure you are using GNU version of sed (sed --version -> GNU sed 4.8), openssl openssl version >= v3.0.2 and bash (bash --version >= GNU bash, version 5.2), because some of the configuration scripts in this repository depend on them.

You can install correct versions of these tools with:

brew install openssl@3 gnu-sed bash

Then make sure the $PATH is updated to point to those tools’ binaries (by updating your .bashrc/.zshrc file):

export PATH="/usr/local/opt/openssl@3/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
export PATH="/usr/local/bin/bash:${PATH}"

After opening a new terminal window you should be using correct versions of these tools by default.

Bootstrapping a cluster

Any Openshift cluster with a configured default Storage Class can be used for the deployment. If you don’t have a cluster, you can try the methods below for allocating one.

OpenShift Local Setup

If you don’t already have a test OpenShift cluster available, OpenShift Local is a popular option. It runs a small OpenShift cluster in a single VM on your local workstation.

  1. Create or log in using your free Red Hat account, and install OpenShift Local.

  2. Make sure you have the latest version of CRC: crc version

  3. Run ./hack/setup/ to configure OpenShift Local with the recommended minimum memory (16 GiB) and CPUs (6) for StoneSoup. The script has optional parameters for customizing memory and cpu allowance. It also supports force delete of existing cluster. Run ./hack/setup/ --help to see the options. The script will also enable cluster monitoring and log you in as the cluster administrator.

QuickCluster storage setup for clusters

If you are using QuickCluster to provision your development cluster, you will need to setup storage prior to running the bootstrap script.

See Configuring NFS storage provisioner on QuickCluster clusters