Extending The Service


If you want to add a new component that will be deployed as part of StoneSoup you are in the right place. Please follow the steps below for adding you new component.

Adding A Component

You may use the gitops component as an example for how to add your own component. Here gitops refers to the GitOps service team’s K8s resources.

These are the steps to add your own component:

  1. Create a new directory for your team’s components, under components/(team-name).
         πŸ“‚ argo-cd-apps
         πŸ“‚ components
             πŸ“‚ (team-name)  --> Your team-name
  2. Add a kustomization.yaml file under that directory, which points to the individual K8s YAML resources you wish to deploy.
    • Depending on your application, you may also structure your deployment into directories and files. See the Kustomize documentation for more information, and/or examples below.
      • Exmaple: 1 (team-name directory containing application resources in its root e.g. file-1.yaml and file-2.yaml, they can be deployments, services, configmaps etc.)
              πŸ“‚ argo-cd-apps
              πŸ“‚ components
                  πŸ“‚ (team-name)  --> Your team-name
                      πŸ“„ file-1.yaml
                      πŸ“„ file-2.yaml
                      πŸ“„ kustomization.yaml  --> This file points to file-1.yaml and file-2.yaml

        More information about kustomize fundamentals can be found here

      • Example: 2 (Application with base and overlays in its root)
              πŸ“‚ argo-cd-apps
              πŸ“‚ components
                  πŸ“‚ (team-name)  --> Your team-name
                      πŸ“‚ base
                          πŸ“„ file-1.yaml
                          πŸ“„ file-2.yaml
                          πŸ“„ kustomization.yaml
                      πŸ“‚ overlays
                          πŸ“‚ development
                              πŸ“„ development-patch-1.yaml
                              πŸ“„ development-patch-2.yaml
                              πŸ“„ kustomization.yaml
                          πŸ“‚ staging
                              πŸ“„ staging-patch-1.yaml
                              πŸ“„ staging-patch-2.yaml
                              πŸ“„ kustomization.yaml
                          πŸ“‚ production
                              πŸ“„ production-patch-1.yaml
                              πŸ“„ production-patch-2.yaml
                              πŸ“„ kustomization.yaml

        See components/spi for an example of this

    • See components/gitops/staging for more complex structure, where overlays are further structured for cluster specific configurations.
  3. Create an Argo CD ApplicationSet resource in argo-cd-apps/base/directory/team-name/(team-name).yaml or argo-cd-apps/base/team-name/(team-name).yaml depending on your application.
    • There are quite a few directories in argo-cd-apps/ directory, such as base/member/ (for member clusters), base/host/ (for host cluster), base/all-clusters/ (for all the clusters) etc. Therefore, please choose the appropriate directory to create ApplicationSet for your application or create a new directory team-name if none of the existing directories suits your application.

    • See argo-cd-apps/base/member/gitops/gitops.yaml for a template of how ApplicationSet should look like.
    • The .spec.template.spec.source.path value should point to the directory you created in previous step.
    • The .spec.template.spec.destination.namespace should match the target namespace you wish to deploy your resources to.
    • The .metadata.name should correspond to your (team-name).
  4. Add a reference to your new (team-name).yaml file, to argo-cd-apps/base/directory/team-name/kustomization.yaml or argo-cd-apps/base/team-name/kustomization.yaml (the reference to your YAML file should be in the resources: list field).

     apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
     kind: Kustomization
     - team-name.yaml
  5. Kustomize Components a new kind of Kustomization that allows users to define reusable kustomizations. Components can be included from higher-level overlays to create variants of an application, with a subset of its features enabled. We have argo-cd-apps/k-components directory in this reposiroty to place kustomization.yaml with kind: Component.

    See argo-cd-apps/k-components for such example.

    An example for Kustomize Components looks like below:

     apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1alpha1
     kind: Component
       appstudio.redhat.com/host-cluster: "true"

    and kustomization.yaml referencing above looks like below:

     apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
     kind: Kustomization
       - ../base
       - ../../../k-components/assign-host-role-to-local-cluster

    Note: A component cannot be added to the resources: list, and a resource/Kustomization cannot be added to the components: list

    You can find more information about Kustomize Components here

  6. Run kustomize build (repo root)/argo-cd-apps/overlays/staging and ensure it passes, and outputs your new Argo CD Application CR.

  7. Add an entry in argo-cd-apps/overlays/development/repo-overlay.yaml for your new component so you can use the preview mode for testing.

  8. Open a PR for all of the above.

More examples of using Kustomize to drive deployments using GitOps can be found here.

Component testing and building of images

Pipelines as Code is deployed and available for testing and building of images. To test and run builds for a component, add your github repository to components/tekton-ci/repository.yaml if you want to publish to quay.io/redhat-appstudio or components/konflux-ci/repository.yaml if you want to publish to quay.io/konflux-ci.

Target repository has to have installed GitHub app - Red Hat Trusted App Pipeline and pipelineRuns created in .tekton folder, example Build Service. Target image repository in quay.io must exist and robot account redhat-appstudio+production_tektonci has to have write permission on the repository.

Maintaining your components

Simply update the files under components/(team-name), and open a PR with the changes.

TIP: For development purposes, you can use kustomize build . to output the K8s resources that are being generated for your folder.


Authentication is managed by components/authentication. Authentication is disabled in preview mode.

Access to namespaces is managed by components/authentication where User is github account and Group is team of redhat-appstudio organization.

For Members and Maintainers

How to add yourself as a reviewer/approver

There is an OWNERS file present in each component folder like this, people mentioned in the file have the respective access to approve/review PR’s.

To add yourself change the OWNERS file present in your component folder and Raise a pull request, if you want to be a Approver for the entire repo please change the OWNERS file present in the root level of this repository

Difference Between Reviewers and Approvers

More about code review using OWNERS