Creating an override snapshot

In Konflux, the integration service provides users with the ability to reset their component’s Global Candidate List to a desired state with a manually created override snapshot which can then be a candidate for further promotion (release) if it passes all integration tests.

You can create an override snapshot and provide a valid container image for a component to reset the component’s Global Candidate List.


  • You have CLI access to the specific OpenShift cluster. For information on obtaining CLI access, refer to Getting started in CLI

  • You have an up-to-date kubectl binary. Alternatively, the oc binary is also compatible.

  • You have an existing managed workspace such as ws-sample, an application such as application-sample and a component such as component-sample.


To create an override snapshot, complete the following steps:

  1. Identify the application and component that needs to be updated.

  2. In your preferred IDE, create an override snapshot in a .yaml file.

    Example snapshot.yaml file
    kind: Snapshot
      name: snapshot-sample
      namespace: ws-sample-tenant
      labels: override (1)
      application: application-sample
        - name: component-sample (2)
          containerImage: (3)
          source: (4)
              revision: fa8b89274a61ef0f1c257b7a84c37aa2ec844109
    1 The label override that indicates this is an override snapshot.
    2 The component name you will reset its Global Candidate List.
    3 The container image with valid digest you will reset the component <2> to.
    4 Optional, but may cause an Enterprise Contract check to fail if it’s incorrect or missing. The component source containing the git url and revision that the container image was built from.
  3. Save the .yaml file and add the snapshot.yaml by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f snapshot.yaml -n ws-sample-tenant

    This command adds the override snapshot to your workspace and Integration service will processe the override snapshot and update the component component-sample’s `.Spec.ContainerImage to


After integration service processes the created override snapshot, you may verify snapshot and component by the following steps:

  1. Check snapshot .Status.Conditions by the following command:

    $ oc get snapshot snapshot-sample -n ws-sample-tenant -o yaml | yq  '.status.conditions.[] | select(.type =="AddedToGlobalCandidateList")'
    lastTransitionTime: "2024-06-05T18:20:37Z"
    message: The Snapshot's component was added to the global candidate list
    reason: Added
    status: "True"
    type: AddedToGlobalCandidateList
  2. Browse to the component you are updating and select the Component details tab. The updated container image is shown under Image column. The updated source is shown under Source code column.

  3. Check component’s .Spec.ContainerImage by the following command:

    $ oc get component component-sample -n ws-sample-tenant -o yaml | yq .spec.containerImage
  4. Check component’s .Status.LastBuiltCommit by the following command:

    $ oc get component component-sample -n ws-sample-tenant -o yaml | yq .status.lastBuiltCommit